BERT Tokenizers NuGet Package for C#

BERT Tokenizers NuGet Package for C#

In the previous article, I wrote about how you can use Huggingface transformers with ML.NET. The process is fairly simple, you need to convert the Huggingface model to the ONNX file format, and load it with ML.NET. However, while working with BERT Models from...
Implementing & Testing Repository Pattern using Entity Framework

Implementing & Testing Repository Pattern using Entity Framework

There are many blog posts and misconceptions about Repository Pattern, especially since the introduction of the OR/M libraries, like Entity Framework. In this article, we will investigate why this pattern is still useful, what are the benefits of using it and how we...
Implementing Simple Neural Network in C#

Implementing Simple Neural Network in C#

Often we forget that we stand on the shoulders of giants. Machine Learning, Deep Learning and AI have gained such traction, that there are many frameworks available. Today, it is really easy to pick the framework (for example ML.NET) of our choosing and start the...
.NET 6: Top 6 Features in the new .NET Version

.NET 6: Top 6 Features in the new .NET Version

Subscribe and receive free guide -Ultimate Data Visualization Guide with Python* indicates required Email Address * Microsoft .NET 6 is released on November 9th. Over the course of a previous couple of months, we got several preview releases and 2 release...