Double Q-Learning & Double DQN with Python and TensorFlow

Double Q-Learning & Double DQN with Python and TensorFlow

Subscribe and receive free guide -Ultimate Data Visualization Guide with Python* indicates required Email Address * Reinforcement learning is field that keeps growing and not only because of the breakthroughs in deep learning. Sure if we talk about deep reinforcement...
Ultimate Guide to Deep Q-Learning with TF-Agents

Ultimate Guide to Deep Q-Learning with TF-Agents

A while back we wrote a couple texts about Reinforcement Learning. We explored how it is different from supervised and unsupervised learning and what kind of problem it is trying to solve. Also we found out what is Q-Learning, one way to actually do reinforcement...
Creating Custom TensorFlow Dataset

Creating Custom TensorFlow Dataset

In the previous article, we had a chance to see how one can scrape images from the web using Python. Apart from that, in one of the articles before that we could see how we can perform transfer learning with TensorFlow. In that article, we used famous Convolution...
Transfer Learning with TensorFlow 2

Transfer Learning with TensorFlow 2

It is always fun and educational to read deep learning scientific papers. Especially if it is in the area of the current project that you are working on. However, often these papers contain architectures and solutions that are hard to train. Especially if you want to...